RoadEthos: Road Safety through Ethical Reasoning

A learning environment to sensitize children towards road safety through ethical reasoning in road scenarios.

Team: Ulfa Khwaja, Aastha Patel, Prof. Chandan Dasgupta, Prof. Sahana Murthy.

The design of the system and its scenarios are based on the theoretical underpinnings of empathy and situated learning.

Publication: Herold, P. C., Khwaja, U., Murthy, S., & Dasgupta, C. (2019, December). RoadEthos: Game-based learning to sensitize children on road safety through ethical reasoning. In 2019 IEEE Tenth International Conference on Technology for Education (T4E) (pp. 27-33). IEEE.

RoadEthos study setup

RoadEthos is a first-person car simulation designed for children to practice driving through various road scenarios. Built using Scratch, Arduino, and 3D printed materials, it comprises the following components: 1. Multiple scenario designs to provoke ethical reasoning in decision-making; 2. Scenario replays from other stakeholders’ perspectives to enhance empathetic understanding; 3. Simulated car interior with a physical steering wheel and brakes for an immersive driver experience. A sample sequence of the activity is shown below.

We conducted a study with five students aged 10-12, analyzing their actions, decisions, and ethical reasoning before and after using the RoadEthos system. The data revealed that RoadEthos provided a realistic setting that elicited detailed responses and reasoning, contrasting with their initial reactions. Furthermore, the system encouraged participants to reflect on their decisions amidst ambiguous road scenarios. Scenarios: 1. Cat crossing road; 2. Ambulance behind with a slow car in front.

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