An AR application to learn the Mathematics Concept of Exponents.
Guides: Prof. Anirudha Joshi, and Prof. Chandan Dasgupta.
This is my master’s project that started at IDC School of Design and is continued as a research project in my current department of Educational Technology at IIT Bombay.
Publication: Herold, P. C., Dasgupta, C., Murthy, S., & Joshi, A. (2019, July). MathReality: A Bridge from Concrete to Abstract via an AR app for Mathematics Concept of Exponents. In 2019 IEEE 19th International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT) (Vol. 2161, pp. 282-286). IEEE.

In this work, we introduce a process where students make their AR markers with day-to-day objects they see around them, like erasers and ice cream sticks. These physical objects can be directly manipulated in the app to learn the concept of exponents.

The app also introduces assessment activities that have interactive and visual scenario-based questions to give formative feedback. This also acts as a bridge to connect with verbal questions (word problems) asked during school exams, often represented in an abstract form.

For more details watch this Project Demo.
For more details read this Project Report.