Get Together: Installation

An interactive installation by the name “Get Together” was made for the INDIA HCI 2015 conference.

The amazing team – Chinmay Parab, Saloni Mehta, Ajinkyaraj More, Ankur Rawal, and Antik Mallick.

The central concept of the installation was to get the designers to come together and solve a design problem to bridge the social gap at the conference. The installation was designed such that more than 2 guys must play to win the Design Quiz.

The installation involved the making of – 1. Movable planks with four options, A, B, C, and D which were connected to a 60 rpm 12 V DC motor and controlled using an Arduino Mega2560 microcontroller and L293D H-bridge circuit to make the plank move up or down for selection. The planks could be triggered to move upwards for selection using the Ultra-sonic sensors, placed near the participants; 2. A question paper rolling mechanism is attached to the wooden frame to switch the questions after every correct answer.

The participants could play the installation by finding answers collaboratively for the question and putting their hands inside the appropriate sensors to move multiple planks (A, B, C, & D) into the answer zone. If the planks within the answer zone are wrong, then a red light glows inside the entire unit, and if correct, then a white light glows, and the question roller rotates to show the next question. The planks return to their original position slowly after every trial, giving the participants time to think rather than quickly trying random options.

Get Together Installation setup
Get Together Installation sensors
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