A 360 music video on my experience of the Powai lake view near IIT Bombay Hostel 13.
This project was done as part of the virtual reality module by Prof. Jayesh Pillai at IDC School of Design, IIT Bombay. Team – Nupur, Vicky, and Azif.
The concept was to make the viewers experience both the day and night of “Powai Lake” through my music composition, with the views switching simultaneously within the 360-degree canvas of the video.
Publication: Pillai, Jayesh S., Azif Ismail, and Herold P. Charles. “Grammar of VR storytelling: visual cues.” In Proceedings of the virtual reality international conference-laval virtual 2017, pp. 1-4. 2017.
To achieve this, we had to mark the path of movement and positions of the lead actor and edit the video as per the image below for a smooth transition of the lead character from day to night or across the different views of the lake.

The storyboard was developed with the song’s time interval and lyrics as reference positions. The location for each time interval, the acting sequence, the transitions across day & night, and the actor movements were designed based on the lyrics, as shown below.

As part of research work on understanding the Grammar of VR Storytelling, a study was conducted with 20 participants. The Points-of-views and Cenre-of-Interests of participants watching the 360 video were analysed, to gather insights regarding visual cues.
The details of the research is in this Paper.