Indian Voting System Re-design

This is my M.Des project (4 months period) done at IDC School of Design – IIT Bombay. Guide: Prof. Ravi Poovaiah

The Indian voting system, upholding the largest democracy in the world, gives every single citizen of our country the right to choose their own leader. But with the population in billions, the prime task of collecting the vote becomes a huge effort, which has been handled over the years by different kinds of voting systems with each having their own set of problems too. The goal of this project is to explore the problems and need gaps in the current Indian voting system and propose improvements to design a new voting system. The solution of the project was focused on a single section of the newly proposed voting system, namely the ballot unit interface. A touch-screen device with a 15-inch display in portrait mode was used to design and develop the interface for the ballot unit, using which people could cast their vote in a mock election. The votes get recorded in the device and it could also declare the results in the end. The improvements were realized more toward the usability and accessibility of the ballot unit by evaluating three sets of design options in comparison, to arrive at the results.

Ballot unit prototype
Proposed Voting system re-design model prototypes
Proposed voting system re-design models
Voting system unit prototype
Testing the touch screen ballot unit prototype with Indian voters

The project is detailed in this pdf file link – Project Report

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